Sunday, July 13, 2008

Turner Falls - Davis, OK July 8, 2008

Traveling south on I-35 in Oklahoma are billboards for Turner Falls. They proclaim a 70' waterfall.

Being a novice photographer I've been trying to make my photography better over the last few years. I have a Cannon EOS and I really like it. I am prejudice, I have to admit, about film vs digital. I like film better. Mostly because I am a scrapbooker. I cut up my photos and alter them. Also because I don't like to wait, and wait, and wait for the printer to do its magic and produce the pictures from digital format so I can do my altering hoodoo on them. I do have the photo processing places make a backup CD of my photos - just in case I really mess up in my creativity process.

My husband has several film cameras that are "really old school". He took his Graflex 4x5 on our trip to Turner Falls. Here is proof. Trying to sort out photos of a public place without showing the people is really hard. There was something wrong with the lens. All the time he spent on getting the adjustments correct was almost for naught. There is a flare in his pictures that he's not happy with. He says it is in the lens itself. Putting a different lens on the camera a few days later he found the pictures didn't have a flare.

These photos were taken with my Cannon EOS with an 80 to 300 lens. Because I am still a novice I use the pre-programmed selector buttons. This was set on the "mountain" setting for landscape photos. I had the focus set on manual instead of the automatic. I have found the automatic setting is difficult for me because the camera focuses in on what it thinks should be in focus - and not necessarily what I want to be the focus. Trial and error is my learning process.

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