Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Okay, That Wasn't Too Smart

Thought it would be a "Bright" idea to put a map up of where we are going. That part worked fine. I just had to see what it looked like. Wow. Cool.

I went back to it in edit mode to add stuff and things got all wonky. Before I really screwed up I just decided to start a new post.

Lesson Learned? Next time I put the map stuff in, get all my blah blah blah done before I post it.

Like I said before, I am not totally computer literate. In fact, I know just enough to be dangerous. Well, dangerous to myself. Swear like a sailor or truck driver. Stomp around a bit. Repeat over and over again "What just happened?" Then follow it with "What did I just do?" After much lamenting and gnashing of teeth an idea will strike me and I'll try it. If it doesn't work there is more swearing and stomping. In full panic mode by this time I will be calling people to get my computer over to have it fixed only to be told I can drop it off and have it back in a couple weeks. That escalates the panic mode. More stomping and swearing ensue with some occasional hopping.

Needless to say, I have had enough experience with my bonehead tendencies that I restrain myself quickly before the bad stuff starts.

What harm can one more post do for the day?

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