Sunday, July 13, 2008

Head Shot

This is my husband after a long day at work. I don't remember where we were - Super 8 in Perrysburg, OH maybe. He fell asleep looking at his Ebay site. I could not resist the temptation to save this for posterity. This photo was taken with my iPhone early to mid June 2008.

I have a separate reason for posting this photo. Several days later in Greenville, South Carolina he took a fall and scraped his head. I was out of site of him when I heard him yelp. When I got near him, the site of him on the ground was alarming. The contents of his shirt pockets (both pockets) had spilled out over his shoulders. The "dew rag" he had on his head was askew. After I helped him up and checked him over for damage I found he had scraped his head in a strange manner. Looked like most of the skidding was done nearly on top of his head.

He got so tired of answering my questions. "Do you have a headache? Are you nauseous? Are you seeing double? Are your ears ringing?" He asked "How many times are you going to keep asking me that?" My response was, "As many as it takes for the next 4 hours". He grumbled.

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