Thursday, August 7, 2008

When Do You Know You Are Old?

I used to hear gray haired people say they didn't feel old. They looked old to me so I wondered what was the matter with them. Couldn't they tell by looking in the mirror?

When I look in the mirror I see my gray hairs, quite a few now, and the wrinkles around my eyes. The thing I notice most, only in the right light, are the hairs that grow under my jaw in a curly manner and straight out like I have pins stuck in my chin. Whiskers!!! When I finally see them they are about half an inch long. Horrible.

My glasses and the mirror make it difficult to use tweezers. Some of these pesky hairs don't succumb to Nair or any other cream dipilitary. They don't even come out with hot wax stuff.

I bought the "Tweezie" purely because a woman said it didn't hurt. She must have taken Vicodin before she used that thing.

I do a lot of exclaiming "Ouch" and hissing through my teeth while that buzzing whirly business rips the hair out and pinches me real hard. By the time I'm done with it I swear I'm going to just let the darn things grow. Well, at least until people look at my chin and get that startled look, then I'll get that monster out again.

Like the gray haired people, I don't feel old. I feel like I'm still 25, maybe 30 at most. So I'll say "I'm as old as I feel". If you need to know my age you'll have to give me a few minutes while I do the math.

Okay, it's time to go to the mirror with that face shredder. Please forgive me for the swear words you might hear.

Posted with LifeCast

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