Friday, August 29, 2008

Traveling To Denver

The hoopla of the Democratic National Convention is over, supposedly. My poor husband is in better spirits now that we have rooms waiting in Denver and we are actually going to have our children around us.

One is flying in from California, another is driving in from Arizona, another is driving in from Kansas. The rest live in the Denver area. We have not met as a full family since 1992 and it is about time. Each of our children are in different career areas. Some are married and their spouses will get a baptism by fire.

Can you imagine that scene? Picture a few people sitting next to each other. Hair standing out from their heads at odd angles. Various expressions of shock and horror on their faces. If you do see some like this in a big group, take pity on them and don't make fun of them. If any are babbling and drooling and you want to help, just pat them on the shoulder and tell them they will get to go home to safety soon.

Posted with LifeCast

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