Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Using the Sizzix Side Kick On Paper Scraps

Okay. I had some success with the Cricut machine and cutting out the flowers.

Now, another problem came up. I now have SCRAPS OF MY SCRAPS!!!!!

This thing is turning into a nightmare. All I really want to do is get rid of the scraps and get them into some usable format - flowers, squares, butterflies, circles. I don't want more scraps.

Well, I have them and I have to use them.

So, I'll use the Sizzix Side Kick and the Little Sizzlets for the tags on the thinner scraps.

I've used the Sizzix Side Kick a few times. Can you tell?

I've had to purchase some more of these cutting mat things because I think I've about used these up.

There is still a lot of life in these, so I'll continue to use them until I have to begin on the new ones.

Now that I have picked a Sizzlits die to use, the Scalloped Tag, I have to choose some paper to be cut.

I fed the long ends of the papers through the Side Kick first then pushed the cutting plates, papers, and the die through the opening in the Side Kick until I met resistance.

Holding the top of the machine down while I cranked the die through. This is my technique when I'm not using the suction device on the bottom of the machine to attach it to a table top.

This works pretty well. Hold down with lots of pressure while you crank and the whole process still works.

Here are the first of the Scalloped Tag die cuts using the paper scraps and the Sizzix Side Kick.

Not bad, if I say so myself.

I'll use the other tags next to continue using up these scraps.

Now I have an assortment of tags using the Sizzix Side Kick and the dies for tags.

Now I have a bunch of embellishments.

From the Cricut machine I have flowers, scalloped circles, scalloped squares.

From the Sizzix Side Kick I have flowers, plain tags, scalloped tags, crescent tags, and oval tags.

The scraps I have left over were so small that I will not be able to use them. Trash. YES.

The brown papers have all been used up and I have a great assortment of things I can use.

For example:

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