Saturday, November 8, 2008

Defragging Me

Fragmentation of my time and work load has caused a glitch in the works.

The work flow is mired in quicksand. I'm struggling and just getting deeper in the quagmire. Everywhere I look there is something that needs to be done and a lot of things are only half finished.

In the past three days I have succeeded in: 1) Joe's bathroom is clean. That's it. 2) Kitchen counters are decluttered and cleaned off. No more than that. 3) Kitchen floor has been vacuumed in the open areas. Whoopee. 4) The carpet has been vacuumed at all the open areas. Yippee. 5) One month of paperwork - March 2008 - is almost finished. Woohoo.

I have dedicated time to do something from each work category every day. If someone were to come knocking on our door and want to come in and visit I would allow them in. If that someone was coming to do an inspection I'd have to keep away from all windows and doors and hide.

This is really frustrating to me. I see improvement, but it is at a snail's pace.

Am I stressed out and ready to be the "Terminator" to anyone that even asks how I am feeling. No. The stress level is at a Level 3 out of 10.

When I have done things my old way, by the third day my stress level would be rising. By day four I would be spiking at Level 8. From day five, and until whatever day it would be to finish the work, my stress level would be at Level 25. Off the charts. By that time the "Nasty Quotient" would be 75% with pulses to 360%. Mild nasty to "Call a Priest for Exorcism".

I do have to say, since I have been doing stuff in increments, I am getting more things done AND I even have time in the evenings to do my scrapbooking stuff. So I do have time each day to play.

Give me another full week of this and I will let you know if I am progressing or have gone back to my old ways.

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