Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Grandson IS SUCH A CUTEY!!

He is absolutely adorable. I miss his little squeaks, grunts, and the sound of his breathing. Our daughter is in for a real treat in the next few years. He already seems to be holding his head up very well - for a newborn.

Next achievement will be for him to roll over from his back to his stomach, then sit without being propped up, then will be the crawling attempts. At some point he will make more noises and he will smile more often. Real tears will come.

When he begins getting around by himself, our daughter will have her hands full and develop eyes in the back of her head. Just a normal parent thing. I think it is really a heightened sense of hearing more than of seeing.

I would give just about anything to be able to hear him laugh. The sound that I love to hear is a baby's laugh. After seeing these on YouTube and on AFV I know that I am not alone in this opinion.

And, I am of an age where I can understand why the elder adults around me when my children were little like him said that raising children was for the young. It wasn't that they could no longer get around and keep up with the little buggers, it was just that they had become used to the lives they lead and were not continually hyper focused on where a child was every second of the day. That is tiring, indeed.

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